Category Archives: postaday2011

Let’s try this again

Where do I begin? In the middle of course! Y’all already know I’m far from organized! I made it a year in the Post-a-day challenge but couldn’t follow-up the second year.. I guess I get an E for effort?

So here we go…

I have completed a few quilts. Though for the life of me I can’t find the pictures. I finally finished the “Bubbles” Quilt.. I like how it turned out. I really need to do more thread painting to improve my skills though! This is my current project. It’s been slow going but I’m enjoying the process.

We’ve spent a lot of time at my Mom’s house playing and spending “family” time.

There’s been a lot of celebrating. Birthdays,  Mothers Day, Graduation of #3 and yes Enlistment into the Marines. (I’m counting down the days until he leaves with a heavy heart.)

We’ve had too many medical scares. Still more that have not been resolved but we also celebrated getting braces off after three long years!

DD and I went to see One Direction. (That’s a boy band for those of y’all without teenage girls in the house.) The Amphitheatre was filled with 20,000 screaming girls! I’m still trying to recoup from that! I’ve got a new grand puppy (yes, again!) Her Name is Sophia. She’s the first for #2 and his GF! I’ve got to get that quilt done in the next two weeks!

Last but of course not least. I finally got my first tattoo! I love it and am already planning my next!

Hoping I can get back to some semblance of routine but I’m not counting on it. Taking it one breath at a time!


Filed under baby quilt, Mothers Day, postaday2011, quilt, quilter, random thoughts

Did you miss me?

she finally got a pillow pet! It is the little things!

I sure missed y’all!~  It looks like I completely blew the blog a day 2011. But at that point it was my mind or my blog.  Dad transferred to another rehab in Tennessee.. Mom’s heart is broken.. not to mention we have her doctors appointments with the cardiologist, stress tests and monitors going on this week. She asked a good question. With all that is going on won’t that skew the results of all these tests? Who knows… And at the same time we had birthday parties for #1 son (28) and DD (16).

I’m still trying to get some kind of routine back. Yes, I picked out the quilting design and started quilting the wedding quilt. Hearts, tons of hearts surround everything. I have to start a memory quilt for a friend too. She sent pictures for it two weeks ago. I should have already completed it! I love making memory quilts! I’m looking forward to making the blue quilt for my niece too. It’s been a cathartic experience  having quilts to work on and plan.

I just got Quilt Skippers’ blog update. You have to see it! Daisies! I love daisies! I can hardly wait to try my hand at them! She always makes everything look easy .. and ya know it probably won’t be as hard now that she made the tutorial! THANKS!

Finding  joy sprinkled throughout my day..

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Filed under postaday2011, quilter, random thoughts

What ‘cha gonna do?

Candles spell out the traditional English birt...

Image via Wikipedia

Each day seems to have a remembrance. Some more emotional than others. But the older I get it seems there is something different that I can recall each day. Yep I’m that old!

Sunday is my oldest sons’ birthday. He turns twenty-eight years old. Yes the day he turned eighteen and had to register for the selective service was 2001. I don’t know anyone who was in New York that day, nor do I have any inspiring tales. I remember someone called and told me to turn on the television. Half the day was gone before I told my son happy birthday that day.

The more days I live through, the more I am in awe of. (shhh.. I just ended that sentence with a preposition) See, I even remember the weird stuff! Memory is a funny thing. We take it for granted and it frustrates us when we forget things. I forget a lot, I lose words or forget what I’m talking about mid-sentence. That drives my poor DH nuts! But I make up words and my family thinks that part is funny.

 Loads has been written about dementia, what it is, how it happens and even how to cope with living with someone who has it. Sorry but it doesn’t seem to soften the blow. I haven’t found any information that says “yep this, is what you do” to get through it. I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and live through it. Just say the same thing twenty times without getting frustrated and smile. Walk outside, get in the car and scream my lungs out. Then go back in and smile.

I didn’t do that today. I didn’t smile or shut myself in the car. Today I didn’t do it right. I have to get better at this, it’s not going away. There is not a perfect formula and some days are just hard.

Finding joy in a quiet moment…


Filed under alzheimers, postaday2011, random thoughts

Quilt On!!

Guess what is finally on the table??

Yep, you guessed!! I got the backing finished and finally got it on the quilt table! I know, right! Actually I’m so relieved to get some sewing time I’m almost giddy! Even my DH came in on hearing Vern purring!

Another rough day. I wonder why people think if they speak louder that they can convince you to think their way? It becomes very frustrating to them and annoying to me.
After a few hours of quilt therapy I may be closer to normal again! (okay, I’ll never be normal .. )
BUCKETS of joy!


Filed under postaday2011, quilt, random thoughts

Swim Meet Night

This is our last year.. it’s been a fun ride. Only five more weeks and we’re done.

Dad is doing a bunch better and is nearly done with rehab.. but he won’t be able to come home. He will be going to a care facility. Mom is getting a bit stronger but we still have a way to go with her. There are still a few doctors appointments and tests for Mom to go through so we can get a plan for her. She is more ornery each day. My friend (second mom) is still in ICU but we’re really hopeful.

I’ve had a few days to rest here and there so I’m not wiped out like  was. Of course there is still major changes to my routines so that’s something I’m going to adapt to. I’m still trying to figure out my quilting schedule and of course there is still home improvements that must be finished. 

All in good time. It’s not as over whelming like it was at the beginning. Thanks so much for keeping us in your prayers. I’m still finding my pockets of joy thoughout the day! I hope you’re finding them too!


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Filed under alzheimers, postaday2011, quilter, random thoughts

Rainy tueday

Bar Xizam (.103/365)

Image by Miss Sydney Marie via Flickr

I’m starting to not like getting phone calls. Maybe I could just stick my head in the sand and ignore the world? Naw, that’s not my style. I’m learning a lot spending this much time around hospitals though. Modern medicine is pretty amazing when you think about it.

I’m sad, emotionally weary and still putting one foot in front of the other. If only I could get back into the world of quilting. I look over at Vern (husquavarna) and wish I was fighting for perky points right now. My sister (okay, not by blood but by tears) sent me pictures of some quilts her grandmother made. They are amazing! I wish I had the brain power to get them off my phone to show you but that’s not happening right now. I told her that quilters were a different breed. I may have been onto something there. I know that since I started quilting I see quilts everywhere. There seems to be a quilt for every occasion too. Even now, in the midst of heart-break I’ve conjured up a quilt in my mind to fit even this occasion.

 I’m off to appointments and such. And yes, waiting for the next phone call… maybe good news this time?


Filed under postaday2011, quilter, random thoughts

A day off…


I took a day off from reality yesterday. Okay y’all, be nice, I do too know what reality is! My brother is on duty running Mom to and from yesterday and today. Yep that means another day off! Okay they aren’t really days off they’ve been catch-up days. Yesterday I spent four hours at the pool with #3 son timing laps and talking lap times. #3 wants to knock 36 seconds off his 500 time. That’s a pretty big deal. After swimming for four hours he still wasn’t that tired! I, on the other hand, was exhausted! That sun is brutal!

Today there’s more laundry to do and some chores to catch up on. I may even get to treat myself with an hour of sewing! But now is not the time to get ahead of myself!

I’ve got a rat visiting the chicken coop so it’s time to lock the dogs in and let the cats out there. Circle of life and all that! The chickens caught one and put it in the bucket for us. I wish I had gotten that on video!

Y’all have a blessed day!



Filed under postaday2011, random, random thoughts, thoughts

One more thing

Heart-shaped cloud

It seems to be another “just one more thing” .. I think I’m numb now. Or maybe not facing reality? Whatever I’m doing it’s working . Now my second mother is in another hospital ICU with CHF and kidney failure.

More than anything I’m grateful to have so many second family members that are this important to me. Adopted family members.. men and women that have stolen my heart (okay, I gave it willingly). My brother’s wife lost her father yesterday they are now on their way to the storm torn area of Connecticut.

My Mom asked me yesterday if I believed in old wives tales. We had three things that had happened and she was relieved that it was over. I didn’t answer her.. I always thought things happened in fives. So I’m sitting here waiting for the next phone call. Isn’t that silly?

I actually woke up thinking about doing some drywall finishing and maybe the backing for the wedding quilt. We both know that’s not going to happen. But that it was my first thought on waking is kinda scary. Reality sank in quickly. I hope to get some kind of schedule set soon but for now I’m going with the flow and looking forward to drywall and quilting!


Filed under alzheimers, postaday2011, random thoughts

I’m tired so this will be quick..


This Post-a-day 2011 is starting to really get to me! I’m on post 301.. do you think I’ll ever get there? OYVEY!

Dad had another excellent day at rehab. Mom not so good.. our doctors appt was a bit stressful in that her BP was HIGH! Scary high. SO it finally went down (after medication) but she argued about everything. Nurses make the worst patients!

I made it back just in time to finish getting ready for the swim team meeting. The first swim meet is tomorrow.. whoo hoo! Mom will be in attendance.

No quilting got done today. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m going to be a quilter anymore. I’m beginning to feel defeated but I’m sure it’s because I over did it again to make sure I had some time with everyone. I’m sure everything will work out. Hugs to you all! Thanks so much for everything! I’m calling it a night!



Filed under postaday2011, random thoughts

Miracles happen everyday!

Hummingbird in Ohio

Here is another Hummingbird picture I snapped while I was in Ohio. I was shocked that I got one of him sitting in the tree.

Miracles happen around us everyday! As most of y’all know my Dad (okay he’s my step Dad but to me he is so much more than that) is now in a rehab facility. One we did not want him to go to. But let me tell you .. he went from being a combative and non communicative patient to the life of the party! He went from not being able to hold a conversation to talking to everyone!  Okay, he doesn’t know where he is and not even his wife’s name but… he really seems to be enjoying himself. In the last twelve hours his blood sugar is now good and he can have ice-cream, his blood pressure is perfect and he has lost twenty pounds in one week!!

My Mom is taking it hard. “Why doesn’t he do that for me.”… but we have now found that it is common with Alzheimer’s patients to behave this way. He still has a few medical issues to deal with but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So now we need to concentrate on Mom. We have appointments throughout the next few weeks and she has to start eating. My brother has started helping and maybe I won’t have to get help from my sister who has always done so much. She can step back and be the back-up instead of the first line to call.

SEE?! Miracles! My step-sister ( I learned so much from her) went home today but in her wake I have the tools to get things done without having to call in my big sister (the one I share giggle fits with).. My big sister has always had to get the ugly stuff done but now I feel equip so she doesn’t have to be the bad guy all the time.

I did get a couple dozen one inch diamonds hand pieced while waiting for doctors. But I kept wondering how much more I could have gotten done if I had quilt in a box like has set up! If only I was that organized! Maybe in my next life!

Tomorrow is another busy day. I’m hopeful I will get some more stitching done in the midst of everything else.


Filed under alzheimers, postaday2011, random thoughts