Monthly Archives: July 2011

Kilroy was here…

Shower Stall in the family room.. for almost two weeks!

 Since getting the shower into the house maimed my DH the shower has been center stage. Not an attractive addition to the entrance!

It doesn't look promising!

As you can see it didn’t look promising! But not being people who give up easily.. we proceeded as though there was no problem. Heave-Ho!
Doesn’t he look like Kilroy?

DH peeking over the top.. one last push!

We knew we had it once we made it around the corner to the second flight of steps.
So finally the shower is out of the family room!
Yes, it has been put into place and the plumbing will be hooked up tomorrow.
After that it’s my turn! I’m the drywall person here. Yeah for me! (not!) Well we all have our areas and though it’s not much I do something so that should count for something..
Until that time I’m quilting! Back to finish the Wedding quilt top. I’ll post pictures tomorrow!


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Quilting or School Shopping??


Such are the decisions I have to face this weekend. We’ve got weeks before school starts but with a daughter who is in high school in the house, shopping is turning out to have more importance this year.
She is now a Junior and as she nears the end of her high school career everything has gained importance.


Filed under postaday2011, quilter, random thoughts, Uncategorized

28 Foot Ladder = Torture

A really dear friend of mine let me borrow their 28 foot ladder. I was so grateful I didn’t have enough words! We only had a twelve-foot ladder and that barely got the first floor.

You can see where we had to stop.. I could NOT get up that ladder again to save my life!
 I know it doesn’t look like a lot but with two of us on this job it still took us all day!

Left front of the house..


All in all I’m satisfied with our attempt. We most definitely got something done and way ahead of the rain. You can see the clouds building now and it’s been a few hours.

Right front of house… you can see how far we got…
I had to rush to write this because I can barely move my arms. Maybe that dear friend wasn’t kiddin’ when he said that ladder is a beast? 
We should have made a video! #3 son and I nearly put the ladder through the front window! It was quite the comedy!
 I’ve tried to add photos and edit this.. maybe I fried some brian cells on top of exhausting myself! We’ve all showered and I got dinner ready early. Tomorrow we finish the painting and YES! We also are planning to get that shower unit out of our family room! DH got all the plumbing finished while we were painting the house! WooHoo!
I’m pretty sure who ever designed that ladder didn’t realize how weak us mortal humans are! OH MY WORD! Do not attempt this alone!


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Today is an outside painting day…

#3Son and I are ready.. okay not really.. I am covering the day with prayer!

No laughing hysterically.. we can do this..

You just know when we break out that big ladder and the paint sprayer somebody is gonna end up in the Emergency room! Well DD did meet a few really cute guys at the hospital yesterday.. maybe she was meant to meet a few more?

I’m waiting for the last two blocks to come in the mail to finish the wedding quilt top. So while I wait I’m going to piece the remaining pink fabrics for the backing. I was going to get one fabric for it but I love the look of a pieced backing.

We’re hoping the rain holds off today but we’re going for it either way!

I mean seriously, I can’t keep putting the painting off, it’s been months! I have just got to get some of these things checked off my list! Christmas is coming faster than I’d like!!   Okay you can giggle a little..

and that's not even the BIG ladder!

Those pockets of joy.. they’re out there!


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Five Dog Night….

I’m trying to get ‘stuff’ done early today. But of course in making that statement you just know how things are going already! I’m grand-dog sitting for a few days. So no matter where I walk I have an entourage surrounding me. It’s kinda cute really. Unless you’re trying to get a snack in a hurry during a commercial then it gets a bit crazy. Oh and bedtime is a joke! Five little dogs take up more space than you would believe in bed! In winter this is not such a bad thing, but of course this is summer.

Riley and the "pet my belly" pose

But I digress.. I’m off to the hospital this morning. Please pray with me that we find out something about my mom. It is very frustrating getting no answers and we are really not very fond of emergency rooms or hospitals.

Then I’m off to Petco where I get to make up a wish list of other fish I want. Now that’s a fun thing.. my aquarium is really looking good!

MooMie.. the princess on her pillow

I’m hoping to have time to get to the wedding quilt. I’ve only got a few more weeks before I head back to Ohio and I really wanted to have it done to take with me. I hoped my sister and her family could see it finished before I ship it.  Besides I am so close to getting the top finished! I really want to see it too!
Meanwhile, there is a strong possibility that the shower stall that has sat in my family room for the last week (or more) will actually make it up those stairs and be installed! SHHH.. don’t tell anyone, we wouldn’t want to jinx it!
The pockets of joy are out there.. I hope you find yours today!


Filed under postaday2011, quilter, random thoughts, Uncategorized

Some days show such promise..

Academic procession at the University of Cante...

Image via Wikipedia

Then everything crashes..

It’s been one of those.. but I insist on putting one foot in front of the other.  Onto better days ahead!

I’ve had such positive responses about selling a couple quilts to supplement my fabric budget that I will definitely go that way again. Although it will be in the future. I have a list of things ahead that really must be done before Christmas this year.

#3 Son is a senior this year so there is a lot of anticipation to see what he will accomplish! And DD is a Junior and that means PROM! WHOOHOO! I’ve got more than I could hope for to look forward to! (Dress shopping!)

I choose to concentrate on the positive today.. there is joy even in the shadows!


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Selling Quilts

Image representing Etsy as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

There are 37,078 quilts listed for sale on ETSY and 3066 listed on EBAY. That’s a bunch of quilts for sale. I also get emails from people who sell antique quilts they’ve found.

It makes me wonder.. how does someone successfully sell their quilts for a fair price just often enough to keep a supply of fabric on hand to make more quilts? I generally give away the quilts I make but I have wondered for some time now if I sold a few, maybe I could buy even more fabric.. to make even more quilts. It’s not like I want to make a living.. I just want to supplement my quilt expenses..

I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I had planned to sell some this year but my schedule has been kinda  full this year. Besides I’d like to hear from y’all. Do you sell your quilts? Do you have any suggestions??

I’ve got a half-dozen quilts on hand that as yet, I haven’t given away. With all the quilts out there.. should I even try or give them away as gifts.. Christmas is coming! 

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Beacon Hill Blog » Archive » BHIS seeks tile artist for mural project

You’ve got a few weeks.. if you know someone in the Seattle area who does mosiac tile.. Please let them know!


BHIS seeks tile artist for mural project

July 6th, 2011 at 8:01 am Posted in Arts, Help Wanted by Wendi

Beacon Hill International School is seeking a “working tile artist who explores global themes and enjoys working with children” for a 6-week project in late summer/early fall of this year, working with K-5 kids to create tiles for a mosaic mural.

The artist chosen will also bring the Beacon Hill community into the project, collaborating with neighbors to make tiles and complete the mural.

The installation will be an approximately 10′x7′ tile mosaic, to be installed on the wall of an exterior entryway. Additionally, some smaller areas at the school and a nearby park may also be included in the project. The stipend for the completed mural is $2,000. The application deadline is July 29.

Details and further information are below the jump:

via Beacon Hill Blog » Archive » BHIS seeks tile artist for mural project.


Filed under postaday2011

Quick Post

Kitchen backsplash tiling - mostly finished

Image by rustytanton via Flickr

I’ve got a couple of weeks before I head back to Ohio..there’s a tile project there that is still in the thought process.  I went to the tile store today to get some “new” ideas..

I’m starting to get pretty excited about it. SHH .. don’t tell “her” she still thinks I’m just doin’ it just cuz she asked. I enjoy doing tile projects. We’ve got one bathroom upstairs in the works.. yep that shower is still sitting in my family room! But once it’s upstairs I get to do the tile up there too! AND after that shower is finished we’re tearing the downstairs hall bath out to renovate it!  WHOOP!

Cheap labor...

I’m hopeful that by Christmas the baths will be finished in addition to “her” kitchen spruce up project!

I’ll bring you up to date on the quilt(s) on monday.. Yep again, SHHH don’t tell I’ve already got another in the works!

my backsplash.. before the molding

So here’s my POST-A_DAY for today.. with minutes to spare!!

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I am the PETCO Ultimate Aquarium WINNER!

"Why is she so excited? They're fish! I am supposed to be the center of her universe"!!!


Did I mention I’m a WINNER! Okay I have to give you the back story (again). So, indulge me! I’m excited!

This is what the Sweepstakes stated on their website.

Prize Details   One Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000 in products to build The Ultimate Aquarium – freshwater or saltwater! $500 PETCO Gift Card to purchase fresh or saltwater fish, a 120 gallon aquarium, black aquarium stand & matching canopy and saltwater or freshwater aquarium supplies. All shipping costs are included in prize. ARV of entire prize not to exceed $6000.00.

I went to PETCO because well they are PETCO! I needed an aquarium because I purchased two turtles for my daughter and since they live like forever.. they needed a home, right? Wait, I’m already off course. It started with the tank.. yes, and rock.. and filter.. and well I stopped there because this was really adding up! I’m sure I could buy this other stuff online “cheaper“, right?  WRONG! I ended up at the PETCO website! AND they had this Giveaway… might as well enter as I shop, right? So yes, I went back and purchased what I needed knowing they did in fact have everything I needed..

I added this part a day later because I had a brain fart and forgot the most important part of the story! When we moved the year before I had to leave my 55 gallon tank behind. It was both a labor and time saving decision.. besides my son and DIL really liked it. It was the first time in over 15 years I would not have an aquarium. We are renovating this house so every dollar coming in is already planned for. It was to be a long time before I could have an aquarium. Boy did I miss it! I’d been looking at aquariums for months dreaming of when I could get one again!

On February 10th I received the email that I was the WINNER.. on April 14th they delivered the most de-lish-ous aquarium you have EVER seen. There have been seriously dozens of phone calls and emails back and forth and today I got the first shipment of fish and plants. Did I mention I adore plants

There will be two more shipments of fish and plants.. here is the PHOTO Montage of day one of shipments.. I don’t know what Lola is complaining about.. just cuz I’m “happy dancing” about something other than her, ya think?


Filed under postaday2011, random thoughts