Quilt Challenge

Starting Monday 2/28 I will attempt to make six quilts in six weeks. No smaller than 48 X 48 and no larger than 80 X 80. I must use a pattern of sorts not uniform blocks (patches). Finished block size no larger than 12 inches finished. I can not purchase fabric for these quilts they must all come from my stash. They all must be quilted with binding attached and at least half must be bound with labels.

My Third Quilt Ever

That’s a clip from my original post. It’s not like I can hide it now that it’s out there in computer land. I’ve re-thought the premise. Although the main reason I started this was to get myself to make quilts again. I was stalled. I couldn’t make a decision to save my life. I could not just pick one and make it. Now I find that I’m actually making quilts that stretch my capabilities. I am enjoying the process again.

I’m back to the point where I want to understand and learn from each step. This is what I was missing! The growth.. no I won’t begin to tell you that making a couple hundred 9-patches have perfected that block for me. In fact I messed up quite a few of them.

On any given day my 1/4 inch seam could be a thread or two either way. The fabrics are not from the same vendor so they don’t behave the same. No matter how prepared I think I am some seams will not interlock. There are thousands of things that can go wrong but when I step back and look at the quilt coming together during this process it still wows me that so many things go right!

These are a few more things that I am learning. I am not supposed to be a quilt making machine. Perfection is not something that is attainable to me. A beautiful quilt is put together one block at a time. It’s more about the impact, what does this quilt say to me than a response I am trying to achieve. I want to love it, and if others love it too, well that’s a bonus.


Filed under postaday2011, quilt, quilter, random thoughts

2 responses to “Quilt Challenge

  1. I am so in sympathy with this: I’m in the middle of one similar to the one in your picture, made from real scraps, not all the same fabric and backed with fleece, which, as you know, gives abnormally. I am now trying to put the blocks together and my hair is in torn out hanks on the floor mixed with all the bits of thread and offcuts of fabric! You can find some of my recent output plus a new quilting poem here: http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/patterns-for-march13-c-hallenge/


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